Chiklet the Yorkshire Terrier
She is a diva. She is sweet, energetic and lots of fun. She was my daughter's sweet 16 birthday gift! She is named after the tiny pieces of gum, Chiclets. My daughter adores her and takes her everywhere.

She is a diva. She is sweet, energetic and lots of fun. She was my daughter's sweet 16 birthday gift! She is named after the tiny pieces of gum, Chiclets. My daughter adores her and takes her everywhere.
Cute cute
hi i am getting a yorkies and i whant to know
i would like to know were you got the clothes
i want her how much is she?
can i have chiklet on june 30th or 31st. how much is she?
omg this dog is sooo cute ......i hope to have a dog like that someday.
what breed is she?
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