My Honey is the cutest and funnest rottweiler puppy ever. She is 10 weeks old, we got her when she was 6 weeks old. She has been my dream dog since I worked in a boarding at the age of 13.

My Honey is the cutest and funnest rottweiler puppy ever. She is 10 weeks old, we got her when she was 6 weeks old. She has been my dream dog since I worked in a boarding at the age of 13.
awww , she is sooo adorable.. she reminds me so much of my late german shepherd/collie cross when she was a baby. I forgotten how cute she was and still was before her sad passing. I also forgot how exhausting they can also be.. she looks like such a joy..what kinds of things does she do that is funny ?
i love him ! so cute how old is he
omg i love honey
the name and pup is so so so cute
that is so so so cute i wish that was mine
that is so cute
OMG! I want one she is sooooooo cute!!!
OMG! so cute!
he is so cute i want a puppy like that
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