Mattie Jo is a Fighter

My little girl is 7 months old now. She is a brindle pug Redbone hound mix. She is such a strong little girl. She has been through so much in her short little life. At 8 weeks old she broke her leg just by being a curious puppy. Not too much later she caught parvo which was heartbreaking. I nursed her back to health. Thank God. She's a little fighter. She has also had two different skin disorders. She finally got a clean bill of health at her last vet appointment. She is the most loving puppy I have ever been around. She loves to play fetch and go for walks. She is very smart. She can be taught anything. She is also very spoiled, but that is ok with me.

Medium Puppies
Medium Puppies
Medium Puppies
Medium Puppies



thist puppy is so cute

zoe colbert

that puppy is so cute!

Dorothy Hernandez

If I could have a puppy I,d name it sparkles

Dorothy Hernandez

Do yo have dogs peps

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