Brodie the Nova Scotia Retriever

Brodie is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever puppy and the cutest one I have ever seen! He is the most hyperactive puppy and will chew to pieces anything he can get his paws on! Absolutely loves his walks, especially at the beach where he can run in the water or when it snows, loves a good snowball fight! No idea what I would do without my little river duck dog!

Brodie the Nova Scotia Retriever
Brodie the Nova Scotia Retriever
Brodie the Nova Scotia Retriever
Brodie the Nova Scotia Retriever



Sooooooooo cute!:)

Rey "Buboy"

Are you selling Brodie??



You do not bath dogs more than 2ce a year, unless they are relaly dirty..meaning they rolled in something nasty.Stop bathing this dog so much. Or he will end up with dry sore irritated skin with allergies andhuge vet bills to try and make his skin better.Bathing him so often is taking away all his natural skin oils that are there to clean him naturally

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