Bubbly Bella
Bella was a little puppy we bought from Victoria. She was shy and timid when we first got her, but soon her true personality came out and she is a rowdy, funny, cute, cuddly, bright, bubbly little girl who loves to stir up her brother Skippa and sister Ruby by pulling on their tails. She wakes us up in the morning with a bark and a nip on the nose and when she wants your attention she will bark and if you ask her a question she will reply with her cute little yip! We love her and we think she is one of the cutest little pups in the world!

so cute!
Soooooo cuuuuttteee
I'm the real Justin Biber. I have a Puppy named Biber Boy and hes a really cute dog.
I'm the real Justin Biber. I have a Puppy named Biber Boy and hes a really cute dog.
I'm the real Justin Biber. I have a Puppy named Biber Boy and hes a really cute dog.
i dont know
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